
Monday 16 April 2012


salam all =)

got a call from my friend..
she told me a lot of things..sharing,laughing ang teasing each other =)

her company which is my previous company curently being audited~OMG
scary time lol..
not so scaryyyy~

btw she told me that she worried and a lot of thinf to be done..
i told her,it is normal and the auditor also a human being,hence don't
be afraid..
just talk nicely to them and explain slowly insyaAllah they will accept =)
it is just a matter of communication.

it is very important to have soft skill and need to have higher observation
in order to quickly adopt and make comfortable with the environment..

after the conversation,she said why don't i call u earlier?????
i said i don't know~but why???
she said;if not i'll get the POSITIVE ENERGY from the beginning =)))

aaaah~i'm so happy that i can at least release and give the ++++energy to her=)
remember,make yourself happy don't hoping with others but share the happiness with them =)
till Then~

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