
Tuesday 25 June 2013

Come Back!!!!! :)

Assalammu'alaikum.. it has been more than a year that this blog is not updated... due to certain reason ha ha ha Actually after less than 2 month of my marriage we had an accident at Maran Pahang which totally changed my life and my husband's life..the accident was quite bad because i need to underwent head surgery(neuro surgery) but Alhamdulillah with Allah's help,my husband support and my family especially my beloved mom,dad,siblings and friends dua..not to forget my in laws family both of us manage to gain our life back especially mine..even though i've to let my job go in order to recover from the accident as well as my husband. we stayed in Kuantan for about 8 months and we succeeded endure all the challenges from all sides..Alhamdulillah thank you Allah for this strength and you know what Allah is the great planner and executor.. i was confirmed by the doctor that i'm pregnant on Aug 2012..ha ha ha even there was ugly voice said why are you get pregnant so fast??? she actually need to pass the question to Him..i felt so offended due to that but my husband said just ignore bad saying from others as long as we are happy,love and trust each other it is enough and every day recharge our iman..insyaAllah Allah will help us.. thus,i am kind of to do come back and continue writing as well as to run my small business that i can say for this time being and praying it will turn to one big industry :) insyaAllah.. i'm not planning to write too much just to say new Hi to everyone and be happy!!! love; JannahFaiz

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