
Monday 15 July 2013

3 months old

Assalammu'alaikum... Alhamdulillah today is his 3months besday...happy newborn my baby~mummy and baba love you sooooooo much Alhamdulillah~ you know what hari ni hari ke-7 ramadhan...this is our 2nd ramadhan..i love you my dear husband..this year we are going to celebrate hari raya in KL the 2nd week of raya baru going back to kuantan..for this time being,we cannot going back regularly due to our baby condition. He is still small even we always call him 'budak besar' ha ha ha i really hope that in laws family can understand. i feel very sorry for my love,pity him so much. He has to take the responsibility even sometimes it is not his but he is very good guy..sometimes i feel offended with them..hahaha just a small matter need not to think about them!!!!!especially their prob it is because they create the prob themselves and then start to point to others..LOL so 'funny' i give you simple example: currently your are undergoing a course in foundation. somehow you think the course is not suit with you and you started to fail the subjectS. the question is, is it your fault or others?????simple answer it is your FAULT.why????because you are the one who attending the class and sat for the exam,so how did you fail?you need to muhasabah yourself~think carefully..why I'm chosen for this course?there must be a hikmah,so i'll take this as challenge because this is my own life so i'll strive for it!!!! Pathetic~ hahahahha just a need to think about others prob lol it's sound sooooo selfish rite?hahahaha think for them but let them find the solution and we just can guide them not together with them having headache for their prob..tired with people like that~ remember,money is not everything,but it can buy thing
anyway selamat berpuasa~

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