
Tuesday 10 September 2013



apa khabar anda semua?saya Alhamdulillah sihat bersama keluarga tercinta..ok cube tengok title~be positive~what are the important that need to be positive???Hurm..this is where the power of mind take charge our self.When we think positive actually we lived up our life to happy path and healthy because we will have a peaceful mind and heart :) Besides,we also will have better life and panjang umur insyaAllah :) Selalunye,bile kita jadi positive benda yg kita tak boleh buat or achieve definitely we can achieve it but if we have doubt in our task,plan or life,normally there must be something wrong happen.So,please1000x be positive..senang cite tak peduli org kate la..yg nk mendown kan diri kite tu dgr jela tp pastu g korek telinga buang segala najis telinga itu,tapi if we can turn it and look it from different way so take it as advice.Tak salah pun uolls~so kite nak share la people's thought about be positive ni and credit to this person:Karina Loureiro ok jom kita try tengok apa die kate ye :)

 Be positive, smile, and make it count............

Remove yourself from negative situations and people. You do get to choose the people you willingly spend your time with or what you spend your time doing. If you always leave a place or people feeling drained, angry, dejected, or violated, then make a new choice.

Don't take it personally. Most of what others say or do is about them, not you. If you carry that to the next logical step, that also means that much of what you say about others is really about you.... hmmm..

Choose "true-to-self" over everything else. Whenever you need to make a choice, always take the path that is in harmony with your core values and beliefs.

Make mistakes, learn from them, laugh about them, and move along.

Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to yourself.

Be yourself, be love, be anything you wish for.

Be positive, smile, and make it count. Pretend today is going to be great. Do so, and it will be.

You need much less than you think you need to be happy, and you usually have a lot more than you think you have.

As Friedrich Nietzsche so profoundly said, “He who has a 'WHY' to live for can bear almost any how.” Your purpose is your ‘why.’

Selflessly helping someone is a super powerful way to feel good inside.

Happiness is valuing what you have and enjoying the people, places, objects and events in your life for what they are.

Karina Loureiro

haa..faham???faham cikgu~betul la apa yg die kate tu,we must choose to be happy and if we are not happy in the situation we must get out from there and find other situation is like we hijrah la kan for betterment.This point different ye from u lari dari masalah ha ha ha if masalah u must face it by hook or by crook baru la gentle beb..guna aqal tau if ada masalah..aish mcm byk plak nk ckp tp sambung lain kali la..cian my little Mu'az.Oh I miss him so much~and I love you my husband Muhammad Faiz..ok peeps hingga ketemu lagi ya..tata

FJM Jannah~

p/s:tu tgh preggy 7 bulan and we are out for 1st anniversary~ (^.^)

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