
Thursday 12 September 2013

SORRY????? hurm~

Assalammu'alaikum semua..
Sorry or maaf~yup kadang senang diucap kadang ia sukar depends tp bukan itu yang pentingnya..sebaliknye how the SORRY works? so the expalaination can be read here.This is credit to unknown that has such a nice thought :
"SORRY works when a mistake is made, but SORRY doesn't work when trust is broken, so in life, make mistakes but never break TRUST..Coz forgiving is easy, forgetting and trusting again is the hard part ..."
Jadinye..jgn merosakkan kepercayaan org terhadap kita..and jgn susah sgt tuk ungkapkan maaf kerana this word has it owns power..just wanna share:
waktu sekolah dulu ada g satu camping masa form4..pastu my groupmate ada buat salah..kiteorg tak basuh pinggan selepas makan which is appointed to 2 people from our group.agaknye nak cepat sgt and air kecik ciponet jd dieorg pun tinggalkan je pinggan kat sinki..ha ha ha tetibe name kumpulan kiteorg kene announce and we were ordered gathered at the lake..ape lagi kene brainwash la..pung pang pung pang..commander kate kite org salah yg group mate ni plak menjawab kan lagi la hangin je die...pastu die suh kiteorg berendam dalam tasik tu..aishh~mane boleh jatuh standard beb ha ha ha pastu tanpa membuang masa selepas dengar sume org bising panas telinge ni kan so i pun put up my hand and loudly i said..camnila encik..kami mmg salah sebab tak basuh pinggan and kami yg lain tak tolong kawan,jadi encik kami mintak maaf banyak encik dan kami janji after this ini tidak akan berulang lagi..pergh!!!!berani tak aku???kuang3x mmg agak beranila sbb malas nk dgr org bising2 n tak nak masuk tasik..dengan izin Allah kami takyah berendam and the commander said..terima kasih to ur friend sbb die mintak jgn ulang lagi and kamu semua boleh balik khemah..phewwww~
lega beb..Alhamdulillah~
ha tu my own experience la sampai harini i igt tau tak salah pun mintak maaf and do not break other's trust in us..okla selamat beramal and moga sedikit perkongsian ini dapat membantu anda..happy day~
xoxo FJM jannah~

Tuesday 10 September 2013



apa khabar anda semua?saya Alhamdulillah sihat bersama keluarga tercinta..ok cube tengok title~be positive~what are the important that need to be positive???Hurm..this is where the power of mind take charge our self.When we think positive actually we lived up our life to happy path and healthy because we will have a peaceful mind and heart :) Besides,we also will have better life and panjang umur insyaAllah :) Selalunye,bile kita jadi positive benda yg kita tak boleh buat or achieve definitely we can achieve it but if we have doubt in our task,plan or life,normally there must be something wrong happen.So,please1000x be positive..senang cite tak peduli org kate la..yg nk mendown kan diri kite tu dgr jela tp pastu g korek telinga buang segala najis telinga itu,tapi if we can turn it and look it from different way so take it as advice.Tak salah pun uolls~so kite nak share la people's thought about be positive ni and credit to this person:Karina Loureiro ok jom kita try tengok apa die kate ye :)

 Be positive, smile, and make it count............

Remove yourself from negative situations and people. You do get to choose the people you willingly spend your time with or what you spend your time doing. If you always leave a place or people feeling drained, angry, dejected, or violated, then make a new choice.

Don't take it personally. Most of what others say or do is about them, not you. If you carry that to the next logical step, that also means that much of what you say about others is really about you.... hmmm..

Choose "true-to-self" over everything else. Whenever you need to make a choice, always take the path that is in harmony with your core values and beliefs.

Make mistakes, learn from them, laugh about them, and move along.

Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to yourself.

Be yourself, be love, be anything you wish for.

Be positive, smile, and make it count. Pretend today is going to be great. Do so, and it will be.

You need much less than you think you need to be happy, and you usually have a lot more than you think you have.

As Friedrich Nietzsche so profoundly said, “He who has a 'WHY' to live for can bear almost any how.” Your purpose is your ‘why.’

Selflessly helping someone is a super powerful way to feel good inside.

Happiness is valuing what you have and enjoying the people, places, objects and events in your life for what they are.

Karina Loureiro

haa..faham???faham cikgu~betul la apa yg die kate tu,we must choose to be happy and if we are not happy in the situation we must get out from there and find other situation is like we hijrah la kan for betterment.This point different ye from u lari dari masalah ha ha ha if masalah u must face it by hook or by crook baru la gentle beb..guna aqal tau if ada masalah..aish mcm byk plak nk ckp tp sambung lain kali la..cian my little Mu'az.Oh I miss him so much~and I love you my husband Muhammad Faiz..ok peeps hingga ketemu lagi ya..tata

FJM Jannah~

p/s:tu tgh preggy 7 bulan and we are out for 1st anniversary~ (^.^)

Sunday 8 September 2013

Nice saying~

Assalammu'alaiku peeps~ jom try to ponder the saying :) i think it is good Create your own road........... A positive attitude opens you to the flow of life. If you are depressed, angry, and unhappy, no one wants to be around you. You literally push people and opportunities away. The wonderful thing is that you have the freedom to choose which attitude you want to adopt. There is no perfect way; each way is unique to each individual. Knowing that you can choose how to react is especially important when unexpected problems occur. Remind yourself of techniques to keep a positive attitude. In doing so, you are guaranteed to have a happier life. To attract positive, joyful, and prosperous situations to you, you must be that way yourself. If you have an open, loving, positive attitude, anything burdensome in life can be lightened. Therefore, it is important to be aware of your mood. It is created by your thoughts. Every day you have a choice of how you will behave, the mood you will give out to the world, and how you want people to know you. So if you want something in your life, first you must think of it, put your intention behind it, and keep your focus on it. It is almost like baking a cake. The thought is in the oven and you have to keep it baking with belief. You have to see your thought manifesting and becoming real. Follow your heart and be true to yourself. Never live the life of another. You have to create your own road. You have a responsibility to be the best you can possibly be, so keep your mind and heart open to the higher aspects of your being. And you will harness the power to have a loving and fulfilling life with attitude! o then everyone~have a beautiful and great life!!! xoxo FJM loves; Jannah

Monday 15 July 2013

3 months old

Assalammu'alaikum... Alhamdulillah today is his 3months besday...happy newborn my baby~mummy and baba love you sooooooo much Alhamdulillah~ you know what hari ni hari ke-7 ramadhan...this is our 2nd ramadhan..i love you my dear husband..this year we are going to celebrate hari raya in KL the 2nd week of raya baru going back to kuantan..for this time being,we cannot going back regularly due to our baby condition. He is still small even we always call him 'budak besar' ha ha ha i really hope that in laws family can understand. i feel very sorry for my love,pity him so much. He has to take the responsibility even sometimes it is not his but he is very good guy..sometimes i feel offended with them..hahaha just a small matter need not to think about them!!!!!especially their prob it is because they create the prob themselves and then start to point to others..LOL so 'funny' i give you simple example: currently your are undergoing a course in foundation. somehow you think the course is not suit with you and you started to fail the subjectS. the question is, is it your fault or others?????simple answer it is your FAULT.why????because you are the one who attending the class and sat for the exam,so how did you fail?you need to muhasabah yourself~think carefully..why I'm chosen for this course?there must be a hikmah,so i'll take this as challenge because this is my own life so i'll strive for it!!!! Pathetic~ hahahahha just a need to think about others prob lol it's sound sooooo selfish rite?hahahaha think for them but let them find the solution and we just can guide them not together with them having headache for their prob..tired with people like that~ remember,money is not everything,but it can buy thing
anyway selamat berpuasa~

Thursday 4 July 2013

please accept that WE are grown up~

Ramadhan Kareem will arrive soon :) Alhamdulillah we still being given the opportunity by Allah Anyway this entry is not going to discuss about Ramadhan,it is just a reminder for myself kikiki ok back to the topic, sometimes parents they cannot accept tat their children had grown up hence, they tend to make or make decisions by themselves..haih~parents need to understand them maybe they need their own spaces in the other hand,children need to understand more their is not a harm to tell or share your activities with parents.. we cannot ignore them because if let say we are in trouble parents normally will be our rescuer some more parents need to be like a friend to your children so that they will feel really comfortable with us.. family is mysterious if we are ignorant what ever it is parents cannot determine their children life but they can be a good guidance for them to achieve good life frankly speaking we need to be opened as long as we are not going astray from Aqidah must be humble and accept others advice egoism didn't help you much!!! it doesn't matter if our children giving advices for betterment this entry is just a humble thought from heart feeling yah.. xoxo Jannahfaiz

Thursday 27 June 2013

BAJU Sudah mari~

Assalammu'alaikum.. below are the baju for you contact me for order or for any query.. these baju taken direct from kilang ye and it is muslim product :) 0136039625 please contact me for more info :) thank you jannahfaiz

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Come Back!!!!! :)

Assalammu'alaikum.. it has been more than a year that this blog is not updated... due to certain reason ha ha ha Actually after less than 2 month of my marriage we had an accident at Maran Pahang which totally changed my life and my husband's life..the accident was quite bad because i need to underwent head surgery(neuro surgery) but Alhamdulillah with Allah's help,my husband support and my family especially my beloved mom,dad,siblings and friends dua..not to forget my in laws family both of us manage to gain our life back especially mine..even though i've to let my job go in order to recover from the accident as well as my husband. we stayed in Kuantan for about 8 months and we succeeded endure all the challenges from all sides..Alhamdulillah thank you Allah for this strength and you know what Allah is the great planner and executor.. i was confirmed by the doctor that i'm pregnant on Aug 2012..ha ha ha even there was ugly voice said why are you get pregnant so fast??? she actually need to pass the question to Him..i felt so offended due to that but my husband said just ignore bad saying from others as long as we are happy,love and trust each other it is enough and every day recharge our iman..insyaAllah Allah will help us.. thus,i am kind of to do come back and continue writing as well as to run my small business that i can say for this time being and praying it will turn to one big industry :) insyaAllah.. i'm not planning to write too much just to say new Hi to everyone and be happy!!! love; JannahFaiz